Luxury yachts are expensive private investments that deserve the highest protection standards intake filtration systems can provide. As the intake section for either the AC or the engine room is typically much closer to the water level, the intake can be subject of splash-water entry, causing wet filters and corrosion damage. Additionally, there is often very little space to design an air handling system with good air flow distribution design of the separation equipment must be able to handle high liquid loads, high localized velocities due to mal-distribution of the gas stream, and usual with unusual dimensions to fit in available space.
Why use ENSEPATEC separators?
ENSEPATEC provides a number of customized and engineered solutions including:
- Splash water removing single stage intakes (SplashSep)
- 2 stage systems for either fine spray control or dry salt particulate protection (SaltSep)
Since space is at a premium it is critical that the right design be employed to ensure proper performance. Since air is compressible, sharp changes in gas flow direction (elbows and 90° turns) will cause the gas to mal-distribute across the face of the separator. Unless a design is used to handle areas of high and low gas velocity or the air flow is not straightened, re-entrainment may occur causing liquid carry-over.
Many factors go into ensuring good performance for the air intakes. Let ENSEPATEC’s experience to ensure the maximum protection and performance. Our systems are available in a broad range of materials and systems. Materials of construction include polypropylene, marine grade aluminium, and 316L stainless steel. We do not recommend the use of PVC plastic due to the toxic fumes generated if exposed to a flame.