Separating the H2 and O2 Gas from the stream of water (water/KOH)

Picture: Hydrogen and oxygen separator with controls installed in a fuel cell
Green hydrogen, produced through the electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources, offers a potential solution to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
Ensepatec provides highly efficient Gas-liquid separators to remove the hydrogen and/or oxygen-gas bubbles from the water stream.
The separators are designed for any removal efficiency utilizing different separation mechanisms.
The materials in contact with hydrogen and oxygen must be carefully selected, as hydrogen induced stress cracking (HIC) or hydrogen embrittlement (HE) can occur.

Picture: H2-Separator with controls

Picture: H2-Separator with Insulation and controls

Picture: H2-Separator with controls
For more detailed technical information, please see technical brochure EST-TB.15 in our download area.