Installation Services
Supervision and site services
On client request Ensepatec can send site service-engineers or -technician for the followoing services
Supervision of installation
The supervisor organizes and controls the installation works up to the final acceptance protocol with the end-user. This service can be very time-saving, especially when site conditions request adaptation of the installations and situational repairs. The supervisor knows the product installation and can assist a local client-supervisor with valubale information. He can help to quantify the required workforce and qualifications. The supervisor has the final check for the correct installation and function of the products.
Field-welding and repair-services
Ensepatec Field welders are specialized in plastic, alloy and stainless steel welding works, assisting clients during the product installation phase. They can make local modification- and adaptation works, should this become necessary. Field welders coordinate the works between the factory, product-designer and logistics.
Field welders also assits clients, when products got damaged during the site works.

Illustration: Installation of a ME inside an FGD-absorber

Illustration: Installation works of a SeparadurTM-ME-system
For more information, please contact your nearest Ensepatec Sales office.